To design new high-quality carrier bags for both labels. The idea was to make the bags a piece of artwork that showed the brands luxury status. Taking elements from the seasons wear designs, I created a chic unique bag collection that the client would be able to show off proudly
To create a Christmas decoration concept that could be printed and used on different types of decorations. I chose the theme - Crowns and Stars and designed a series of designs for wrapping paper, baubles, vases and ribbons
Ihr Produktedesign muss dem Verbraucher positiv auffallen und einen Wiedererkennungswert erreichen.
Lassen Sie mich mit Ihrem Team zusammenarbeiten um ein wertvolles Produktedesign zu erstellen auf das Sie und Ihre Kunden stolz sein können.
While products have always served a function, they are more and more carrying meaning.
It is the role of good product design to effectively communicate that meaning to the consumer.
Let me collaborate with your team on creating a worthwhile product that you and your customers can be proud of.